Monday, October 04, 2010

5 Ways to Revitalize the Republic

Michael Moore, that lovable (depending on whom you ask) buffoon (also depending on who you ask) has come out with 5 ways the Democrats can avoid catastrophe at the polls this November. In response, I've drafted 5 better positions they can take that, while they may not guarantee instant success this election, will certainly be successes for "we the people":

1) Instead of blaming who got us in this mess, get us the heck out of it! You don't like the wars, but why don't you call on O-bum-a to call the troops home?! It’s been nearly 2 years and we've still got the same (if not more) resources and troops assigned to killing islamics from the middle east, who - surprise! - hate us even more.

2) Instead of indicting the scape-goat offenders (Wall Street), why don't you tell the people which congress-critters voted for the Fannie-Freddie debacle that put millions of Americans into homes they couldn't afford (which, other than the wars, is what really caused the mess). Then, we'll all know which bums to throw out (there'll be as many Dems as Repubs in that line-up).

3) Announce a moratorium on all unconstitutional legislation. And yes, telling banks they can't foreclose on non-paying home-dwellers would be unconstitutional. The paperwork mess we currently have is no reason for a market-wide blanket moratorium. Just enforce the laws already on the books.

4) Who’s hiring? Everyone is!! That is, if you cut government taxes (and spending!) down to oh, I don’t know, a tenth of what is currently is. That will free up TRILLIONS of dollars for the much more efficient private sector to allocate, creating the fastest economic recovery in history.

5) How about declaring that no Democrat will accept any further Wall Street funds for THIS election cycle, and furthermore, the Wall Street money already in their coffers will be returned 100%. Not only will this be much more appealing to the voters than a flimsy promise to do something in the future, but we won’t be assaulted with all of your mud-slinging ads for the next month.

While these are all pie-in-the-sky-not-going-to-happen ideas, that doesn’t make them any different than YOUR ideas Mr. Moore. Oh, wait, they ARE different, because all my ideas can be accomplished without bending, twisting, distorting, or ignoring the constitution.

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