This post is dedicated to Chloe - without her constant pestering this probably would not be here right now :-D
What happened to winter in the northeast? When I got home for Christmas break there were only patches of snow on the ground at my house in northern VT! This is unheard of in mid December and it made me very depressed since I was looking forward to some good skiing over break... but nope, we had a green (or should I say brown?) Christmas. Then the day after Christmas we had a few inches of slushy snow... enough to send my brother Seth and our old red mazda into the ditch on its roof... oops! ... then Saturday following we had about 4 inches of that good soft fluffy powder which made me very happy... and on Wednesday the 3rd I finally went skiing with my brother and my friend Lindsay and her brother Josh and her friend Ryan. We went up to Jay peak which had some very good conditions and had nearly all of its trails were skiable even tho supposedly half of them were closed... haha who pays attention to those signs anyway? Well I was glad we went when we did because Friday another warm spell hit... 50 plus degrees in early January?! what happened? and holy cow talk about POURING rain... bye bye snow :( .... here at Houghton there was no snow when I got here Sunday but then a blizzard Monday (which I got to drive through hehe) and more snow Tuesday night left us with a good covering until Thursday when it went and got warm again... Humph. I don't care about all you Floridians, I want COLD and SNOW... LOTS OF IT!!!
Oh, Ethan, I'm proud and honored! And I'm laughing inside because of the mazda. Good job. Well, I'll see you tomorrow maybe, and thanks for the update!