When he said "Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety." I'd add that they end up without either as well.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
Did You Know?
That the 200 Million gallons of oil spilled after the deepwater horizon disaster is an amount so large that it takes the entire U.S. nearly - oh... um... whats that? less than 6 HOURS to burn?
Thursday, October 28, 2010
This is Hilarious
Oh, how those cold-hearted Republicans leave "Main Street" out in the cold while cozying up to the corporate fat-cats. That's why, when we elected a Democratic house, senate, and president 2 years ago, things have been looking up for the poor and downtrodden... oh wait, no. Actually, the uneducated, jobless, and low-income Americans are worse off while the investors and corporations are better off. Not that a Republican administration would have had better results, of course. Thisadpaidforbythewhyyoushouldvotelibertariancommittee(yourstruly)andnotauthorizedbyanycandidateorcandidate'scommittee.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
License Plate of the Year
Seen on a 2 seat, rear drive, tire-smoking, 10 cylinder, negative MPG, but lime green colored, Dodge Viper. Just one of TWENTY-THREE Vipers seen in the Woodsville, NH elementary school parking lot on Sunday, October 17th, 2010.
Seen on a 2 seat, rear drive, tire-smoking, 10 cylinder, negative MPG, but lime green colored, Dodge Viper. Just one of TWENTY-THREE Vipers seen in the Woodsville, NH elementary school parking lot on Sunday, October 17th, 2010.
Friday, October 15, 2010
Why is This Even News?
Social security recipients are getting no raise this year! Oh, no!! Our seniors are going to die in poverty! At least, that's what the headline writers want you to think. Oh, wait. They aren't getting a raise because inflation hasn't gone up... and they got the biggest raise in a quarter century in 2009, due to the high energy prices in '08 - which promptly free fell and left them with a tidy sum. So let me get this straight, people are complaining about no raise, even though they recently got - and kept! - a huge raise right before energy costs dropped through the floor and erased the need for the large size of the raise... and inflation has been practically nil since then.
Wednesday, October 06, 2010
Quasi-Libertarianism in Action:
Gene Cranick of rural Obion County in Tennesee had the opportunity to pay $75 per year for fire department coverage from the nearby city of South Fulton. He was mailed a letter every year at renewal time, and even got a follow-up phone call when he didn't send in his $75 by the due date. "I thought they'd come out and put it out, even if you hadn't paid your $75, but I was wrong" he says. Now he and many others are upset that the FD let his house burn to the ground. He even says he offered to pay the full costs of putting out the fire if the FD would come out, but was told it was too late.
Monday, October 04, 2010
5 Ways to Revitalize the Republic
Michael Moore, that lovable (depending on whom you ask) buffoon (also depending on who you ask) has come out with 5 ways the Democrats can avoid catastrophe at the polls this November. In response, I've drafted 5 better positions they can take that, while they may not guarantee instant success this election, will certainly be successes for "we the people":
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
In Which I Hereby Predict the Headline for November 3rd, 2010
The headline will be "VOTERS ARE IDIOTS" with a sub-head of "DESPITE STRONG DISLIKE OF BOTH REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS, VOTERS FAILED TO VOTE THEIR CONSCIENCE AND INSTEAD RE-ELECTED REPUBLICANS AND DEMOCRATS" Don't believe me? Well, read this article and then tell me what 3rd party candidates are currently polling at. VOTE LIBERTARIAN ON NOVEMBER 2ND!
Thursday, September 09, 2010
And Now, From the NO KIDDING, REALLY?! Department...
The government has now admitted that health care spending under the "reform" bill will be higher than if the bill hadn't been passed. "Oh, but just by a little bit, you see, and we get all those other people insured." It hasn't even taken effect yet and they're admitting this? You can bet your best-loved possession they'll keep revising the numbers up bit-by-bit till (maybe) they are telling the truth... They know full well that a full up-front disclosure would have quashed chances of the bill passing - or else have risked a real revolution in so doing (not just the one that's expected at the polls this fall).
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Chevy Trucks: The Real Truth
By now you've probably seen those Chevy ads proclaiming that their trucks are the "most dependable, longest-lasting trucks on the road". As a long standing, strongly-biased Ford fan, I'm here to - confirm their claims?!
Friday, August 20, 2010
Politics from a Comedy Writer Who Doesn't Write About Politics
3 Reasons the “Ground Zero Mosque” Debate Makes No Sense
Please go and read the article yourself, but for your convenience, here is a synopsis: 1) They don't want to build it at "ground zero", 2) It isn't a Mosque, and 3) Far from being illegal, the Bill of Rights protects their ability to build it. Amen, Gladstone.
Please go and read the article yourself, but for your convenience, here is a synopsis: 1) They don't want to build it at "ground zero", 2) It isn't a Mosque, and 3) Far from being illegal, the Bill of Rights protects their ability to build it. Amen, Gladstone.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Seen on the 'Net
I wouldn't have dared to say this myself, but I have no problem reposting it!
"a few more good funerals like byrd and kennedy and our senate will be in pretty good shape"
(Comment posted by 'James' at 10:52 AM Eastern Standard Time on June 30, 2010)
"a few more good funerals like byrd and kennedy and our senate will be in pretty good shape"
(Comment posted by 'James' at 10:52 AM Eastern Standard Time on June 30, 2010)
Friday, June 25, 2010
The Good News Is...
Most Americans now see B. Hussein Obama is NOT what this country needed... The bad news is he still has 45% fooled.
Wednesday, June 09, 2010
Friday, May 28, 2010
The Second-Best Day of 2010
It's sunny, seasonably warm but not hot, the Friday before a 3 day weekend, and my fiancee returns from a 3 day school trip... what's not to love?
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Another Embarrassment...
It seems there is no end to the embarrassing revelations of hypocritical influential Christians these days. The latest is Rep. Mark Souder (R-Ind.) who is "an evangelical Christian who has championed family values and traditional marriage" and "promoted abstinence education" according to Yahoo.
Thursday, May 13, 2010
51 Days
Until I get married to the most wonderfully [insert any number of mushy phrases here] woman in the world! The invitations have now all been sent out - with the exception of one to a certain A. Miller. (Okay so I should have inquired earlier than I did, but please respond to my request for your address)
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Health Care "Reform"
...Isn't even enacted yet and the government is already admitting it will cost up to $115 BILLION more than the budget office previously predicted. I'm not in the least bit surprised that its going to cost more than they told us originally, but they're coming out with it already?! The fact that they're already telling us they were lying ("well not really...") makes me wonder if they're just trying to make us less surprised when they tell us next year its actually going to cost $2 Trillion... Oh, and they "simply didn't have enough time to run the numbers"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well maybe you shouldn't have passed it through so fast you... well I want to keep this G-rated...
Friday, April 30, 2010
Financial "Reform"
I try not to repost entire articles too often, but this was so good I couldn't really improve on it:
April 30, 2010
Libertarians call for more finance industry freedom
WASHINGTON - Libertarian Party Executive Director Wes Benedict issued the following statement today, regarding the financial regulation legislation in Congress:
"The Libertarian Party opposes the legislation currently in Congress. Instead of removing harmful regulations that reduce competition, create winners and losers, and stifle the choices of consumers and financial firms, this legislation merely adds to that heap of regulations.
"It is remarkable that so many people have blamed the banking and financial company failures on the 'free market.' The American finance industry is probably the most regulated industry in human history. It doesn't remotely resemble a free market, and that's been true for many decades. It would be much more accurate to blame the failures on government interference.
April 30, 2010
Libertarians call for more finance industry freedom
WASHINGTON - Libertarian Party Executive Director Wes Benedict issued the following statement today, regarding the financial regulation legislation in Congress:
"The Libertarian Party opposes the legislation currently in Congress. Instead of removing harmful regulations that reduce competition, create winners and losers, and stifle the choices of consumers and financial firms, this legislation merely adds to that heap of regulations.
"It is remarkable that so many people have blamed the banking and financial company failures on the 'free market.' The American finance industry is probably the most regulated industry in human history. It doesn't remotely resemble a free market, and that's been true for many decades. It would be much more accurate to blame the failures on government interference.
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Vote Libertarian! -or- Why You Should Vote and Who You Should Vote for, if You Hate Republicans and are Disillusioned with Democrats
In the 2008 elections, just 61.7% of the voting-eligible population voted for president. Follow that up with a 64% disapproval rating for congress, a whopping 76% of Americans who believe most members of congress are more interested in
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Taxpayer Bails Out GM, Part Two -or- Ford Advertisement
Happy Tax Day (prounouced "guvmintsezfuday") everyone! To commemorate this special occasion, here's some news you probably didn't want to hear as a taxpayer: Last year, Uncle Sam (pronounced "taks-pay-ur")
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
If you listen to the media these days, you could be forgiven for the impression that major earthquakes are happening at an ever-increasing rate, what with the major coverage of earthquakes in Haiti, Chile, and now China. In fact, earthquakes with a magnitude of 7.0 or greater on the Richter scale have been happening at an average rate of 18 per year worldwide since 1900,
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
Hot Jobs
Yahoo says the top 5 "hot" careers are Physical Therapy, Automotive Specialties, Writing, Legal Careers, and Advertising. So tell me something new... I'm already in #4, and have long dreamed of #2, and am currently working on the roadmap to get there :)
Monday, March 29, 2010
On a Somewhat Positive Note
The government is currently working a deal to sell its remaining stake in Citigroup, while possibly making a handy $8 billion in the process... too bad the deficit is so huge it won't make a dent, much less reduce your taxes this year. If nothing else, the government is reducing its stake in the banking industry, and without completely frittering all of your tax dollars that went to T.A.R.P.
Friday, March 26, 2010
True Colors of "Health Care Reform" Already Showing
AT&T, AK Steel Corp., Caterpillar Inc., Deere & Co., Valero Energy, and 3M Co. have announced they will be collectively be writing off approximately $1,500,000,000 this quarter, thanks to expected tax increases and health care cost increases due to this horrific piece of unconstitutional legislation... just a guess, but I'm betting this will cost untold legions of jobs either lost or uncreated, on top of reduced pay/benefits to employees who don't lose their jobs... JUST what we needed in the MIDDLE OF A RECESSION! THANKS FOR NOTHING, DEMOCRATS.
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Hilarious Comics Volume 1
I needed a lighthearted post after that last heavyweight...
Ladies and gentlemen, I present today's issue of
Pearls Before Swine!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Constitutional Reform
In wake of yesterday's disastrous vote in the House of Representatives, I hereby propose a new constitutional ammendment, aimed at preventing lawmakers from passing unconstitutional laws. Actually, in the interest of full disclosure (something you don't usually find on Capitol Hill),
Friday, March 19, 2010
Die Obamacare, Die!
Sunday is the big vote in the House of Representatives that could (finally!) make or break Obama's health care reform package. Let us hope the People's outrage finally removes the brain from this undead zombie that keeps springing back to life. In one no-so-convincing argument I read in support of the bill, (not that any of them are convincing, this is just the one I chose to pick on)
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Old Fart Too Stupid to Stop Car
Thats my headline. James Sikes, the driver of the 2008 Prius that had a stuck accelerator in California a couple days ago, says he didn't put his car in neutral "because he worried the car would flip." Are you kidding me?? Worried it would flip? And, after 20 minutes of high speed driving combined with frequent brake use
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Why is it...
... that when you are talking to an advocate of climate change, you either aren't looking at the long term, or you're not taking into account recent trends, whichever argument allows him/her to remain convinced global warming is human-caused and will continue indefinitely? For example:
Thursday, February 04, 2010
What is This World Coming to When...
... A politician uses the phrase "f---ing retarded" and is chastised not for the first word, but for the second??
Thursday, January 21, 2010
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