Saturday, September 30, 2006
Today the funniest thing happened. Pat Morales, who lives across the hall from me on first Shen, came up to me and asked, in all seriousness, whether Wes (Ferwerda) was my older brother or my twin brother. Half an hour later, after I had managed to gain back my ability to breathe, I managed to choke out that we are in no way related to each other and that we just had told some people that as a joke. Wes and I met in the first week of school and hit it off quite well, aided by our mutual interest in all things car. We soon began to notice one person after another asking whether we were related or if we were brothers. Apparently, with our matching gotees, similar length hair, and similar facial features, we do look a lot alike, despite the fact that Wes has much lighter hair than I do. So we began to joke about it with other people and telling them that we were twins. But I never thought we had actually let anybody go without telling them the truth after the initial leg pulling. Hmmm... my Mom WAS told near the end of her pregnancy with me that it was possible she had twins...
Friday, September 29, 2006
Humility? .... Or Evidence of Something Very Wrong?....
So when I was growing up all the adults were like "get good grades" and "good grades are something to be proud of" and all that stuff. So why do I feel so bad every time I get good grades?? I have had 3 tests so far this semseter, all in different classes. Better than 90 on all three. Highest grade in the class on at least one of them. And everytime someone asks what I got they get this saddish sort of jealous look in their eye when I tell them. It just kills me. Why do I get these good grades when my studying habits are absolutely horrible? Do I really deserve these grades when there are so many others who would kill to have them, who actually study ahead of time, who really try? I am always worried everyone is going to hate me because I did so well on the tests. So what is this crap about you should be proud of your grades? Its really not worth it. Next test I'm going to fail. On purpose.
OH WAIT! I recognize something here! Peer pressure. To do badly. Wow what a concept. And guess what? Our entire school system of grades is designed to MAKE PEOPLE WANT TO DO BADLY! Come on now you see it too don't you? Not that I don't like Houghton, don't get me wrong. Its an excellent place as schools go. But it still subscribes to the same system that everyone else does. Make the students focus on grades. More specifically, "C" grades. It totally takes the focus off of what it should be. EDUCATION. LEARNING.
Check this out folks, very eye opening
OH WAIT! I recognize something here! Peer pressure. To do badly. Wow what a concept. And guess what? Our entire school system of grades is designed to MAKE PEOPLE WANT TO DO BADLY! Come on now you see it too don't you? Not that I don't like Houghton, don't get me wrong. Its an excellent place as schools go. But it still subscribes to the same system that everyone else does. Make the students focus on grades. More specifically, "C" grades. It totally takes the focus off of what it should be. EDUCATION. LEARNING.
Check this out folks, very eye opening
First Time For Everything
Yesterday was a first ever folks. I SLEPT CLEAN THROUGH MY ALARM!
So Wednesday night I was up late because of a homework assignment for accounting. (See previous post on my super studying habits) Thank you to Allison for helping me on the assignment, if we had done it seperately it would have taken us both a lot longer and I know I at least would have been a lot more confused. So 7 am comes, my alarm goes off..... I got up (gotcha didn't I?), took a shower, touched up and printed out my homework, and went to class. After class of course, I am dead tired, so I went back up to my room and took a nap. I set my alarm for 12:15, and the next thing I know the radio starts blaring, and I lie there for a couple minutes and then roll out of bed and look at the clock. Its 1:10! How did that happen?! I figured my alarm was busted or something and got messed up on times or I didn't know what. So of course I missed lunch and had to go clean the maintenance building on an empty stomach. Back from work, and I ask my roommate what time he left for lunch. "Oh about 12:30 or so." Wait, I ask, was my alarm going off when you left? "Yeah, it had been blaring for 10 or 20 minutes or so." Holy Smokes! You mean to tell me I slept for 55 minutes with my alarm going off?! "Well I guess so, I thought you were awake when I left 'cause you were moving around and stuff" Nope I certainly wasn't. WOW. That stinks. Now I'm gonna have to set my alarm on buzzer or like turn it up to 200 decibles or something to make sure I don't miss a class one of these days. Oh well, I guess there's a first time for everything as they say.
So Wednesday night I was up late because of a homework assignment for accounting. (See previous post on my super studying habits) Thank you to Allison for helping me on the assignment, if we had done it seperately it would have taken us both a lot longer and I know I at least would have been a lot more confused. So 7 am comes, my alarm goes off..... I got up (gotcha didn't I?), took a shower, touched up and printed out my homework, and went to class. After class of course, I am dead tired, so I went back up to my room and took a nap. I set my alarm for 12:15, and the next thing I know the radio starts blaring, and I lie there for a couple minutes and then roll out of bed and look at the clock. Its 1:10! How did that happen?! I figured my alarm was busted or something and got messed up on times or I didn't know what. So of course I missed lunch and had to go clean the maintenance building on an empty stomach. Back from work, and I ask my roommate what time he left for lunch. "Oh about 12:30 or so." Wait, I ask, was my alarm going off when you left? "Yeah, it had been blaring for 10 or 20 minutes or so." Holy Smokes! You mean to tell me I slept for 55 minutes with my alarm going off?! "Well I guess so, I thought you were awake when I left 'cause you were moving around and stuff" Nope I certainly wasn't. WOW. That stinks. Now I'm gonna have to set my alarm on buzzer or like turn it up to 200 decibles or something to make sure I don't miss a class one of these days. Oh well, I guess there's a first time for everything as they say.
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Guess Who
So today in the lunch line this cute, er make that beautiful, girl comes up behind me and seems very glad to see me. We make small talk for a few minutes but then we split into different lines, and when I go out into the dining room I see a vast expanse of people. Figures.
* * * * * *
So I met her at the welcome weekend in June. Happened to sit with her for breakfast. Er, well make that I made a point to sit with her at breakfast. Gorgeous girl of course, but then there were a lot of lookers at the welcome weekend. But she... seemed... different... down to earth, but yet still fun to be around. Definitly NOT your stereotypical "barbie doll" type girl with all looks and no brains. Fast forward 3 months. Finally at Houghton as a real student. I see her around a couple times, but never really managed to catch her eye during orientation. A few days go by. Well she probably forgot all about me I figure, I'm not that great a looker or talker anyways. Oh well. Then one day going down the stairs from class I pass her going up. Her face lights up immediately and she says "Hi Ethan!"... and continues on her way. I am now reeling of course "oh my goodness, she still remembers me, she remembered my name, AND she was glad to see me" WOW. This happenend every day or two with her saying Hi Ethan! in that bright cheery way, and me saying Hi ....! back. "I wish she had a class with me" I think. "Or only if I could find her at lunch. There's just too many people at lunch." Then one day I managed to find her at supper and sat down at her table. She seemed very glad to see me like usual and we had a nice little conversation about which I can remember nothing of course. She also introduced me to her friends at the table, and even indicated a desire to spend more time "hanging out" with me! But since then, its the same old thing again, "Hi!" "Hi!" and we go on our way.
She, of course, has NO idea of my crush on her or how she makes me feel everytime I see her. She would also probably laugh hysterically if told that her actions had in any way made me think she really liked me. And so it stands. Her, gorgeous, smart, funny. Me, silent, flustered, shy. This has been a little insight into the mind of Yours Truly. Enjoy.
It is also one way for me to express my feelings and just possibly get my message to her without me being so blatant as to embarrass myself. Feel free to do with this information what you will mystery woman, I am at your mercy. I will take my time and get to know you quite well before I reveal my feelings to you in any other way.
* * * * * *
So I met her at the welcome weekend in June. Happened to sit with her for breakfast. Er, well make that I made a point to sit with her at breakfast. Gorgeous girl of course, but then there were a lot of lookers at the welcome weekend. But she... seemed... different... down to earth, but yet still fun to be around. Definitly NOT your stereotypical "barbie doll" type girl with all looks and no brains. Fast forward 3 months. Finally at Houghton as a real student. I see her around a couple times, but never really managed to catch her eye during orientation. A few days go by. Well she probably forgot all about me I figure, I'm not that great a looker or talker anyways. Oh well. Then one day going down the stairs from class I pass her going up. Her face lights up immediately and she says "Hi Ethan!"... and continues on her way. I am now reeling of course "oh my goodness, she still remembers me, she remembered my name, AND she was glad to see me" WOW. This happenend every day or two with her saying Hi Ethan! in that bright cheery way, and me saying Hi ....! back. "I wish she had a class with me" I think. "Or only if I could find her at lunch. There's just too many people at lunch." Then one day I managed to find her at supper and sat down at her table. She seemed very glad to see me like usual and we had a nice little conversation about which I can remember nothing of course. She also introduced me to her friends at the table, and even indicated a desire to spend more time "hanging out" with me! But since then, its the same old thing again, "Hi!" "Hi!" and we go on our way.
She, of course, has NO idea of my crush on her or how she makes me feel everytime I see her. She would also probably laugh hysterically if told that her actions had in any way made me think she really liked me. And so it stands. Her, gorgeous, smart, funny. Me, silent, flustered, shy. This has been a little insight into the mind of Yours Truly. Enjoy.
It is also one way for me to express my feelings and just possibly get my message to her without me being so blatant as to embarrass myself. Feel free to do with this information what you will mystery woman, I am at your mercy. I will take my time and get to know you quite well before I reveal my feelings to you in any other way.
Help my Humility
So I had all weekend. But there I was, Sunday night, 2 am, reading jokes on the internet and my homework was sitting there on the desk, alone and forelorn. Why do I keep doing this? I ask myself. Ah but then the answer hits me. Its just too easy. So I get 4 or 5 hours of sleep one night. Who cares? Next day, I just take a nap. Or go to bed early. Or both. And I keep getting good grades. Time after time, without fail. No, not all A's but at least B's. Only two times have I ever gotten a test score below B-. Only 4 times have I gotten a final grade below A-. Never a final grade below B-. But I never do anything before I absolutely have to do it or it won't get done in time. And never do I put my all into it. Some get better grades than me. Some put less time in than me. But I don't know anyone who puts in as miserably little time as I do and still get very decent grades. So what should I take from this? Am I just blessed with book smarts? Teachers just like me? both? One thing I do know. I am way too cocky. My ego is way too big. I do not have enough humility. So friends, I ask you, beg you, plead with you, bash me, make fun of me, make me feel stupid. Or otherwise teach me humility. Because I am no better than you are fundamentally and I know that. But I need to feel it. Really know what humility means.
Monday, September 25, 2006
Well I have been coming to a realization over the last few weeks that I wanted to share with everyone. I am no longer afraid of death. Yes me, the one who for 20 years his deepest darkest fear was of dying. Yes I was brought up in the Christian faith that teaches that whosever believeth in Him, shall not perish, but have everlasting life. (John 3:16)But I have always struggled with my faith and secretly wondered "But what if it turns out there really is no God? Or if God does exist what does it mean to live forever? Do I really want to live forever?" But since coming to Houghton I have noticed my fear slipping away as my faith grew in strength and I have slowly discovered what it really means to have complete faith. The occasional thought of doubt still crosses my mind, but I now have the presence of mind to quickly dismiss these evil thoughts. I praise the Lord that my eyes have been opened and I can now see the truth of eternal salvation and the "Supreme Good" as St. Augustine puts it, of the eternal life we have in Christ. I pray that any of you out there secretly struggling with your faith may find hope in my story that you CAN find the Truth. No, it won't be easy. But it will be way more than worth it in the long run.
Sunday, September 24, 2006
So I keep getting these stupid people saying stuff like "well if you have nothing to hide why do you care that the government can watch what you do?" Well here are some responses I might use. (stolen from
"You're right, the government would never make trouble for an innocent person. I'm just going to call the Department of Homeland Security and tell them that you're a terrorist who plans to blow up the White House, okay? I'm sure it'll only take a few minutes to clear up the misunderstanding."
"So you won't mind the new law requiring all letters to be written on postcards?"
"So are you cut? How much money did you make last year? How many sex toys do you own? Your wife, does she spit or swallow? Oh you don't want me to know that stuff? Gee wiz! Why is it O.K. for the government to know then??"
"That's not what the Constitution says. You should read it sometime."
"There is absolutely no reason to believe that the enforcers won't do anything wrong. Authorities abusing their positions is basically the entire history of the world."
Come on people, the rights we have were guaranteed by the constitution for a REASON. The government should never be entrusted with our security precisely because the government has no OBLIGATION to provide security for us! Thats right folks you read that correctly. The government has no obligation to provide for your safety according to the Supreme Court. Bet you didn't know that huh? Stop terrorism; buy a gun and learn to use it today!
"Those who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security" -Ben Franklin
"You're right, the government would never make trouble for an innocent person. I'm just going to call the Department of Homeland Security and tell them that you're a terrorist who plans to blow up the White House, okay? I'm sure it'll only take a few minutes to clear up the misunderstanding."
"So you won't mind the new law requiring all letters to be written on postcards?"
"So are you cut? How much money did you make last year? How many sex toys do you own? Your wife, does she spit or swallow? Oh you don't want me to know that stuff? Gee wiz! Why is it O.K. for the government to know then??"
"That's not what the Constitution says. You should read it sometime."
"There is absolutely no reason to believe that the enforcers won't do anything wrong. Authorities abusing their positions is basically the entire history of the world."
Come on people, the rights we have were guaranteed by the constitution for a REASON. The government should never be entrusted with our security precisely because the government has no OBLIGATION to provide security for us! Thats right folks you read that correctly. The government has no obligation to provide for your safety according to the Supreme Court. Bet you didn't know that huh? Stop terrorism; buy a gun and learn to use it today!
"Those who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary security deserve neither liberty nor security" -Ben Franklin
Case Closed
Ahh this is a few days old but I am still very pleased with it:
" ...We're not appeasing anyone... You have to give in at least a little to compromise... It's in the middle... This group was created for people already in the middle. Which you do not appear to be. I don't think there is anything I can say to change your mind..."
-Kevin Mercer, gun control "compromiser"
"...You ARE an appeaser, like it or not. From the american heritage dictionary: 'ap - pease. To pacify or attempt to pacify (an enemy) by granting concessions, often at the expense of principle.' ...Gee, last I knew 'granting concessions' and 'to give in at least a little' meant basically the same thing. Sorry to break it to you but what you are doing is trying to meet in the middle of two opposing principles by granting a few concessions to both sides.
The. Exact. Definition. Of. Appeasing."
Ooo today was a good day. Not too often is it I can stomp the very last breath out some nut's argument no matter how bad it is. But I am getting better. One day I will be the best.
" ...We're not appeasing anyone... You have to give in at least a little to compromise... It's in the middle... This group was created for people already in the middle. Which you do not appear to be. I don't think there is anything I can say to change your mind..."
-Kevin Mercer, gun control "compromiser"
"...You ARE an appeaser, like it or not. From the american heritage dictionary: 'ap - pease. To pacify or attempt to pacify (an enemy) by granting concessions, often at the expense of principle.' ...Gee, last I knew 'granting concessions' and 'to give in at least a little' meant basically the same thing. Sorry to break it to you but what you are doing is trying to meet in the middle of two opposing principles by granting a few concessions to both sides.
The. Exact. Definition. Of. Appeasing."
Ooo today was a good day. Not too often is it I can stomp the very last breath out some nut's argument no matter how bad it is. But I am getting better. One day I will be the best.
Saturday, September 23, 2006
Wondrous Earth

Today was a glorious day. Yes. It rained. Like usual. But no matter my friends, today I went to Letchworth State Park. This has to be the most glorious spot on all of planet earth for those of you who have not been there. It took my breath away to see the amazing sculpture that God created in this small corner of the earth. The thunder of the falls. The mysterious mists that hung in the air above the waters of the gorge. The wandering path of the majestic canyon. The light rain on my hair. I was alive in the beauty and power of our creator and could not possibly have been any higher in spirits. I almost didn't notice that by the time I returned to my car I was drenched head to toe and my feet were dwelling in their very own fish bowls. No matter, my camera was dry and I was on top of the world.
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