So Friday night my friends Wes, Lindsay, Annie, and I went to a swing dance up in Rochester... which was a very interesting but quite enjoyable experience. See, I have never done any swing dancing before, and the 45 minute lesson we had before the dance started wasn't enough to do more than just teach the basics... but Wes had only been to one swing dance before and Lindsay and Annie were in the same boat I was, so I was in good company lol. But by the end of the night I had nearly mastered what had been taught in the lesson (only took 3 hours... what? haha) and had nearly stopped looking like a robot. Anyway, after the dance (by now it's 11pm) we went to this really nice coffee shop along with Wes's friends Claire and Bridget, who had met us at the dance. We spent a good 90 minutes chatting and laughing and generally having a grand ole time. Then there was the drive back to school where we got turned around at this one particular intersection a couple times and almost missed an exit... oops! Oh, and then there was the stoplight that we sat at for 10 minutes with no change! And its 1am and no traffic! In a small town! Why the lights were even on at that time I have no idea but I wasn't about to run the light what with a cop car parked right across the intersection... So I ended up turning right instead (still slightly illegal since it was across 3 lanes but what was I gonna do?) and turning around further up the street. Came back and saw that the cop car was empty anyways. Figures. Well the rest of the trip was pretty much filled with us singing Reliant K songs a cappella, lol we didn't sound too good but it was fun anyways... So yeah that was the exciting happenings of break for me... besides waking up in the pm every day... :)
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