Saturday, October 14, 2006


Sorry my friends for the long time since last update but here it is:
So Wednesday I went to swim club meeting for the second time, and this time we were learning how to dive properly... and of course I had never completed a successful dive before in my entire life, never mind off a diving board, never mind with a nice looking approach! So I practiced the approach many times with only a few actual practice dives, which ended up being more or less feet first every time because of my fear of doing a big ole belly flop. Well swim team disbanded and I started trying to practice more on my own without quite so many people around to look foolish in front of. At first, I did these funny body rolls and hit the water on my side sort of head down. And I also had the unfortunate habit of kicking my legs extremely fast in mid air which those who were still around found much mirth in of course. From there, I progressed to over rotating and hitting the water right in the middle of a half summer-sult, which was better but still not very graceful. Of course I was still kicking my legs like crazy which was quite out of my concience. Then I tried to not over rotate once and guess what? SMACK! big belly flop. yeeoouch! And of course, everyone found this very funny. So then it was back to over rotation again, but I was starting to be able to control my kicking legs. Then finally, it happened. One graceful, smooth, perfectly angled dive, with nary a leg kick. I climbed out of the pool and promptly declared I was done for the night, since I could obviously not improve on the feat just accomplished in the remainder of the night and I did not want to frustrate myself with further failed attempts. So now I can say I have pulled off at least one successful dive. And it really didn't take that long, only 2 hours or so.

... more updates to follow after some sleep :-D

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